Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The wind killed my first ever engagement photoshoot.

Last Friday I took the day off to shoot some engagement photos for Ryan and Heather. Well it didn't work out so will cause it was so windy. I just bought a UV filter and diffuser so I gave them a try. The diffuser was a bad idea. I like the fact that the diffuser softens up everything but it was just a little to much for me. I'm still learning alot so mistakes are welcome. It hard to learn if you never make em. I miss the old 35mm but the digital is just so much faster.

Ryan messin around
The truck
Smoochy boochy!
My profesional light guy(Wass)
I like this one the best.
Wind and a nice smile from ryan!
If anyone has any helpful hint about lighting,filters,lens, or any thing else. I'm always down for some advice.

1 comment:

Karina said...

The picture of Ryan kissing Heather on the cheek in the truck is my favorite of the bunch! They're too cute. Regardless of the wind, your pictures still came out great.