Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Strange vibe on election day.

Theres some sort of weird vibe today. Maybe it just cuase its rainy and nobodys really doing anything. Normaly I just sit in this office and listen to the cars drive by all day. Well nobodys driving by. Its the feeling of sitting and waiting to see what direction the country will be going in. I run a small time manufacturer and as of the moment I'm just tring to figure out how we will keep the bussiness running. The company is down to just the poeple that I do not want to layoff. So I geuss we will see what happens. A change is needed and I hope that whoever makes it in to office will help to bring that change to this country.

Well get out and vote. My slogan for this election is "Your oppinion doesn't mean shit if your not going to vote!"

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